Welcome to The GMAT Keyword Study Plan

Are you taking test after test, hoping that eventually your reading comprehension score will increase?


Keywords are what you have been missing

Keywords are small words that make a BIG difference on both the reading comprehension and critical reasoning sections of the GMAT.

The GMAT uses keywords to engineer right and wrong answer choices. When you see a keyword, you can bet that the information needed to come up with the right answer is nearby and hinges on the precise meaning of the keyword.

If keywords are not understood, you are throwing POINTS OUT THE WINDOW!

Do you know someone who barely studied and got an amazing score?

We weren’t naturally good test takers…

We studied hard and got good grades, but that never translated to standardized tests. Meanwhile, we knew people who barely studied and got amazing scores. What were these “natural” test takers doing that we weren’t doing?

After studying several test-taking “naturals,” we realized that high performers clearly understand 150 keywords that appear on almost every GMAT. It was after learning those keywords that we first cracked the test for ourselves, and we have been teaching these methods and helping students beat the GMAT ever since – almost ten years now! 

These are the 150 GMAT vocabulary words you’re missing

What passages look like BEFORE understanding keywords:

Pretty boring. How are you supposed to stay awake and recognize the information that matters most?

Pretty boring. How are you supposed to stay awake and recognize the information that matters most?

What passages look like AFTER learning the power of keywords:

Once you learn the power of keywords, you’ll recognize which ideas are most likely linked to right answer choices.

Once you learn the power of keywords, you’ll recognize which ideas are most likely linked to right answer choices.

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Taking test after test will only get you so far… You must understand how to interpret keywords to improve your score.

Fortunately, you’re in the right place. The GMAT Keyword Study Plan walks you through a step-by-step process for learning keywords and how to turn them into points on test day. 

In 16 keyword sections and 71 pages you will:

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Go from hoping for a great score to knowing HOW to get it

Through a simple, step-by-step study plan, you’ll learn the 150 most important words on the GMAT and how to turn them into points.

Feel more confident on complex passages

Imagine reading a passage, barely understanding what it’s about, and still getting all the questions right. Too good to be true? After using keywords for just a few weeks, you’ll start to see order in passages that used to baffle you. Eventually, even the most complicated science passages will look as familiar as any other passage.

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Fill in the blanks of your course

Your course can’t hit everything. This e-book fills in the blanks and includes tips and tricks you won’t find anywhere else.

Learn where right answers are hidden

Keywords tell you which sentences the test is going to ask about. If you don’t recognize keywords, you might miss information critical to answering the questions. 

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Improve your timing

By focusing on the right words, you will focus on the parts of the passage that yield right answers and not waste time on trivial details. 

Make the most of your study time

There’s not a lot of time, but that’s okay. This no frills, no fluff e-book gets straight to the point. It guides you through learning keywords all the way through turning them into points on official practice tests. 

Get The GMAT Keyword Study Plan now for $47 

  • 71-page eBook, organized into 16 keyword categories

  • A step-by-step study plan for learning keywords

  • 150+ keywords and detailed explanations for what to do when you see them

  • 10 of our most powerful study hacks - learn the never-before-seen tips we use in our private tutoring

Here’s the deal:

  1. The $47 is a one-time purchase using PayPal or credit card

  2. You’ll receive a link in your email to download the eBook

  3. That’s it! Please note that this is a digital course. Nothing will be shipped to you. 

Click the button below to buy The GMAT Keyword Study Plan


What our students are saying:

“Hey Joe, Just wanted to send a quick note your way - things went well today: 750. (97% Quant; 89% Verbal) I enjoyed working with you over the last month and hope for nothing but the best for you and your company. (Not sure if you prefer any written material from your students'/clients' experience working with you, but if you do want something, I am happy to write a glowing and real review)” - BF, Northwestern JDMBA

“Just finished my test and got home. So I got a 720! I'm definitely happy since it's in the range of what I was hoping to get (above 710) but of course I'll always wish I got higher (that's just how I am). Thanks again for all your help! Seriously, you've been great!” - KM, Stanford GSB

“760, 48 quant! Seriously thought I did terribly. Test ended with three impossibly easy questions. No probability or arrangements. Thanks for all the help!!!” - AZ

“750! Thanks Joe! I really appreciate all of your help.” - AF

“[760] Joe - you’re the man. I would have a hard time overstating how valuable your advice was in this.” - PB

“Got a 710! Compared to the 650 about 6 weeks ago, not too disappointed :) I think I’m comfortable walking away with this score… Thank you again for everything, can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done to help me prepare!” - RP

“It went well, albeit a little strange... My overall score improved (to 750!)... This is how it broke down:Verbal: 47, 99th percentile, Quant: 47, 76th percentile. I'm not sure how that computes. Any idea? Either way, I'm really happy I retook it, glad I improved on both fronts, and I really appreciate your help, particularly so last minute.” - LK

“Got a 740! Thought I got absolutely destroyed on Quant but my score went up to 48. Seriously couldn’t have done it without your help! The process and scratch work tools we went over really payed off even on a day that I didn’t think I did my best. Thanks again!” - SN

“Joe, thanks for your help. I did indeed crush the test, with a 50 on the verbal section (even better than on quant). I must say, the reading comp felt a lot easier after our sessions” - KW

“I wanted to send you a quick update and let you know that I will be attending Booth in the fall! After working together for 6+months, you were integral to my business school process and I really can't thank you enough!” - AD

“What’s up Joe! I haven’t touched base in a while and I hope all has been well. Do you have any clue what you did for me?! You, my friend, helped me get into freaking HBS. They actually accepted me. It’s been such a whirlwind of a past few days that I apologize I’m only writing you now. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for all your help prepping… and for your advice in general. Hope to stay in touch and perhaps grab a beer in LA soon.” -JB, HBS

“Just finished up and went pretty well! I got a 720 with 80 math/95 verbal breakdown… Overall I'm pretty happy… Thanks man!” - AD, HBS

“I am proud to say that I scored a 720 on the GMAT (94%) with my math at 85% and my verbal at 87%. I also received a 6 on my essay (91%). I cannot begin to thank you enough for the help you provided me. I knew I had the Math in me, but your advice on the verbal section was phenomenal… The reading comprehension strategy really helped to improve one of my poor areas. I want to thank you for everything that you did to help me, I cannot say enough about the program, and if you ever need one of those quotes to post about how great the GMAT tutoring was, I am happy to provide it. Thank you once again for all of your help, and keep doing what you're doing because it works.” - IK

“I wanted to share some exciting news with you with the b-school process. With all of the school decisions in, I made my final school choice. At the end of this summer I'll be moving 260 miles south of DC to Durham, NC to attend Duke University, Fuqua School of Business! I'm really excited because not only is it a great business school, but also because it is a great fit in terms of the program's emphasis in social impact and the school culture. Anyway, I just wanted to give you an extra thank you for all of your help with the GMAT studying. I wouldn't be going to Fuqua if it weren't for your structured guidance. I will be sure to reference you to friends and prospective students as I'm approached.” - JM


Get The GMAT Keyword Study Plan now for $47

  • A step-by-step study plan for learning keywords

  • 71-page eBook, organized into 16 keyword categories

  • 150+ keywords and detailed explanations 

Here’s the deal:

  1. The $47 is a one-time purchase using PayPal or credit card

  2. You’ll receive a link in your email to download the eBook

  3. That’s it! Please note that this is a digital course. Nothing will be shipped to you. 

Click the button to get the course right now!



Why did we write this course?

Revenge. The GMAT didn’t come naturally at first. It kept us up at night. When we finally cracked the GMAT for ourselves, we started sharing our tips with friends and family. They started performing better as well. It felt great. As we realized that we could help more people beat the test, we made it our mission to make these tips widely available. Not sure what it says about us, but we take pleasure in helping others beat this test over and over again.

Who should buy this course?

Buy this course if you are inconsistent on reading comprehension or critical reasoning

Do you have good days when you don’t miss a single reading comp question, but then have bad days when you miss an entire passage? This course may shed light on what you do on your good days so you can achieve positive results more consistently.

Buy this course if you are self-driven and willing to put in the work

It takes time and dedication to turn keywords into points. But once you do, you’ll achieve a consistency known only to a few top test takers. Plan to set aside a weekend to work through the course and make the flash cards. Plan to practice hunting for keywords and linking them to right answers for at least two weeks before it becomes second nature.

Buy this course if you want to understand how the GMAT engineers right and wrong answers

Do you often narrow it down to two answer choices and then pick the wrong one? Learning the keywords in this course will help you understand why one is right and one is wrong, even when both “look right.” 

Buy this course if you don’t want to leave any points on the table

If you do only what everyone else does, you have little chance of outperforming them. If you want to score higher than your competition, you have to work harder and smarter. This course compresses months of private tutoring and never-before-seen tips and tricks into a simple study plan.

Who should NOT buy this course?

DO NOT buy this course if you are within two weeks of your test

The concepts taught in this course will slow you down at first. Until you achieve instantaneous keyword recall and keywords become second nature, your score might go down. Only buy this course if you have over two weeks to practice.

DO NOT buy this course if you haven’t taken a full course

This course is meant to be a supplement to a full course. As such, there are lots of test fundamentals NOT COVERED in this course. If you haven’t already taken a course or worked through a self-study guide, then sign up for a course or buy a book now!

DO NOT buy this course if you haven’t scored above a 60th percentile on verbal

If you haven’t scored above a 60th percentile on the verbal section of a practice test, your time is likely better spent learning the fundamentals from your course or self-study guide book. Once you master the fundamentals and begin scoring above the 60th percentile, the advanced concepts taught in this e-book will help much more.

DO NOT buy this course if you haven’t taken at least 2 practice tests

If you haven’t taken at least 2 practice tests, you might not have enough experience with the test to recognize how the insights in this course will help. Wait until you have taken at least two practice tests to determine if increased reading comprehension skills are what you need to bridge the gap between where you’re scoring and where you want to score.

DO NOT buy this course if you are looking for a quick fix

Unfortunately, there is no quick fix for the GMAT. To improve your reading comprehension, you must actually comprehend more of what you read. And that takes time. Though we show you the fastest path to achieving keyword mastery, it still takes top test takers 2-4 weeks to install the information and see results. 

How is the course structured?

The course is organized into two parts:

Part I: The Keyword Study Plan

Part I explains best practices for GMAT studying and walks you through a step-by-step plan to install keywords and use them for maximum benefit. Part I includes:

10 Dead-Simple, High-Impact Study Tips

Know someone working with a tutor or taking an expensive course? What are they learning that you’re not? Learn study tips that we’ve been using with top test takers for almost ten years. To the average test taker, these tips are going to look simple, almost boneheaded. But if you’re serious about improving your score and challenge yourself to try these study techniques, you’ll begin to see the test in a whole new light.

Flash Card Best Practices

Why are flash cards so powerful? Are you using them the right way? Flash cards help you achieve instantaneous recall of the keywords, which is critical since the GMAT is a timed test. This section includes flash card best practices to help you achieve instantaneous recall as fast as possible.

The Step-By-Step Study Plan

The easy-to-follow study plan walks you through a proven process for memorizing keywords and turning them into points.

Part II: Keywords and What to Do with Them

Part II explains each keyword category, lists its relevant keywords, and explains what to do when you see each keyword.

All the Keywords in One Place

When you travel, do you ever spread your clothes out on the bed to see what you need to fit in the suitcase? It helps to see everything at once. This course spreads all the keywords out on the page so you can see them all at once. Most GMAT courses spread keywords out across multiple sessions to keep you coming back. They trickle them out. That’s good for them since it keeps you coming back to class, but ultimately bad for you because you don’t see how all the keywords relate to each other. Here you get all the keywords in one place! 

Why is it $47? That seems like a lot!

It’s puzzling when people think $47 is a lot to spend to increase their GMAT scores. 

If your vision is blurry, what do you do? You can try to squint, but you’re best off just paying the doctor for a new pair of glasses. They’re expensive because you wear them ALL THE TIME. This course gives you a new pair of glasses to read the test with more clarity than ever before.

Also, points are money. Each additional point could mean getting into a better school, getting a bigger scholarship, and landing a higher paying job down the road. 

I’m just starting to study. Should I buy this course?

Not yet. This course is a supplement, not a replacement for a standard GMAT course. Come back after you have scored above a 60th percentile on the verbal portion of the test and taken at least two practice tests. In the meantime, subscribe to our newsletter for tips and tricks.

What’s the refund policy?

We do not offer refunds or money back guarantees. We’ve spent nearly ten years refining the ideas taught in this course. We have seen these techniques help students often enough to know that if you follow the study plan, you will see improvement. If you’re unmotivated or think you’re a test taking genius, don’t buy the course. Even with the tools in this course, it will still take a lot of practice to see results. 

We’re here for you

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We made this course to help you increase your GMAT score. If you have any questions about the course, we’re more than happy to answer them.